I love the simplicity of life within its complexity. Carving out my own niche where I belong, where I fit.
My spiritual life has taken on a new life or just consistent or real.
It never ceases to amaze me the depths of faith in some people around me. How life introduces these individuals just when you're feeling somewhat alone.
Ultimately, we are responsible for our own souls. But paradoxically, when you're alive in the spirit, you become responsible to all those you meet.
It makes me smile. Sometimes I even laugh.
It feels damn good to be alive. To walk around knowing, just KNOWING, that your life matters.That you really do have the ability to touch all those you meet.
We all have it. But only some use it. How truly fascinating.
Last night, after D. and John left I just put on the music and -danced-. Danced for my soul. Danced for life. Danced for joy.
Danced because right then, in that moment, I got it. No matter what pain we carry, we can let it go and keep letting it go...
That's a choice we make. I need to remind myself of that everyday. It isn't always easy but no one ever said it would be...