About friendship

Due to the fact that I was forced to think about it a lot, I found myself questioning friendship and what it means.

A friend is someone that you have good times with. But that isn't enough. A good friend is someone you are able to talk to.

Not just talk about whatever is happening in the world or going on in the latest TV show, but you feel comfortable enough to talk to them about your feelings...

They may not understand how you're feeling, but they listen with a genuine ear. They accept the fact that you're not perfect but they wouldn't have you any other way.

Friendship is not something you negotiate or have to fight for...it just is.

I've also been forced to think about the type of friend I've been. I've realized where I've gone wrong, putting more emphasis on the good times
Rather than the personal connections.
Laying awake at night and questioning whether or not someone you consider a friend feels the same way about you is not a good feeling.

Friendship shouldn't be questioned, because even the smallest doubt leads to worrying...something we can all afford to live without.

It's weird but if I had to do it all over again I would because I saw myself for who I was and who I am.
Too much time was wasted with people who would never have loved me for who I was.
Too much time was wasted fighting the person I am. So let the good times keep coming, but let other things come more.

It's pulpy orange juice, folk nights and going to Billy Bob's. It's sitting at your kitchen table talking about life with your roommate.

It's feeling completely comfortable with the person sitting beside you and knowing that they care.

It's staying in and sitting on her living room couch while talking about thoughts and the thoughts that lead to those thoughts
While being completely high and attempting to explain it to others.