Sometimes we're moving so fast that we forget to see. Every time I try to hold on tightly, I am taught to let go.
We really have no control.
All that we get to say is what's inside of us. All we get to do, become, witness, happens on an internal plane.
We really do create our own lives, but it's not done outwardly.
Sometimes I feel like smashing my head against a wall, or burying myself so deep beneath blankets and sheets. Sometimes I just want to jump up, grab my stuff, and leave.
But what would I be running from? Myself.
I don't like feeling this way but I don't get to control it. All I get to decide is how I handle it. What I learn from it. What I'll do next time when I'm faced with a similar situation.
Run from it? Hide? Or try again.
Try again.
If I lose faith now, then what would have been the point?
I remember who I used to be. I can go back there in my mind. But that's not who I am anymore. I've let her go.
I've made peace with what I've done. How can I expect anything different from anyone else?
Not everyone has the support, courage, or understanding I have been given. Unconditional love. Acceptance. Faith.
They all count for something. They all count for something great.
It's easy to point fingers and blame. It's easy to see people on the street in worse condition then we are and think, hey, they must deserve it.
They did it to themselves. They made their choices.
It takes a lot of something to love who you are. It takes a lot of something to face the world knowing that you can do anything.
It takes a lot of something to let it all go and become. And be. And keep being. It takes a lot of something to let others be as well...
We really have no control.
All that we get to say is what's inside of us. All we get to do, become, witness, happens on an internal plane.
We really do create our own lives, but it's not done outwardly.
Sometimes I feel like smashing my head against a wall, or burying myself so deep beneath blankets and sheets. Sometimes I just want to jump up, grab my stuff, and leave.
But what would I be running from? Myself.
I don't like feeling this way but I don't get to control it. All I get to decide is how I handle it. What I learn from it. What I'll do next time when I'm faced with a similar situation.
Run from it? Hide? Or try again.
Try again.
If I lose faith now, then what would have been the point?
I remember who I used to be. I can go back there in my mind. But that's not who I am anymore. I've let her go.
I've made peace with what I've done. How can I expect anything different from anyone else?
Not everyone has the support, courage, or understanding I have been given. Unconditional love. Acceptance. Faith.
They all count for something. They all count for something great.
It's easy to point fingers and blame. It's easy to see people on the street in worse condition then we are and think, hey, they must deserve it.
They did it to themselves. They made their choices.
It takes a lot of something to love who you are. It takes a lot of something to face the world knowing that you can do anything.
It takes a lot of something to let it all go and become. And be. And keep being. It takes a lot of something to let others be as well...