
This butterfly is ready to spread her wings and unleash her fury.
They say a simple flap can cause hurricanes across continents. I will not go unnoticed.

Days like today remind me what I'm about. Days like today remind me what we're about.
I will never leave you. I will never stop loving you. I will always cherish you.

Happiness is a choice. Heck yes my friends, heck yes. I'm down with that.

Work is kind of rocking my world these days. Or more like it's my world. 6 days a week, 9 hrs a day.
Nothing but hot thoughts and fuzzy stuff makes you want a hug, doesn't it?

03.12.2011 в 01:15

это так безумно печально, зло, страшно и радостно...
you're back..)
03.12.2011 в 01:43

I decided that it makes no sense staying aside...therefore I am here.
I hope people still remember about my existence...

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