My best friends are in the hospital. They had a car accident. I was scared when I heard about... At first, we thought Sam might be paralyzed.

She's not, thanks God, but there's a chance that she might never walk on her own again...
Sis told me she might walk without the assistance of braces in the next 18 months...

Grace is fine, Ethan needed thirteen stitches in one arm and Emily broke her collarbone. Why are their injuries so mild compared to Sam's??

Do you know what was the reason of fractured and why they had to insert a metal disk into Sam's lower back...
'Cause they were wearing those stupid seat belts, and she wasn't, that's why!!!

Granted, the car that nicked their bumper sending them spiraling and flipping off into a ravine was driving on the wrong side of the road...
It's amazing, the mind is capable off, the self-deception and sheer ignorance at what is going on right under your own nose...

Especially when you just drive off like nothing happened...

@темы: friends, hospital, car accident, Sam, Grace, Ethan, Emily, stupid car drivers