I am going to celebrate Christmas with my parents. It is a family day for me )) As for the New Year's... Vegas. I don't want to go there, but it's my loved one's family tradition, so I'll have to sacrifice myself XD
xxohxx, Yep) I don't like it. I don't drink much anymore, I quit smoking, I don't do drugs either, and I have no money to gamble or watch the shows, so I end up wandering aimlessly from one casino to another and watching people )) Watching people is interesting though; if I were a writer, Vegas would be a perfect place for characters' search and observation.
miracleinvitation))Todd Tolenski, I knooow...I hope you'll get the best celebration of your life!
Todd Tolenski, so do I.
for me it's like "why don't selebrate happy December 9?")
zapisi, you have chosen well)
thnx, you almost scared me out))
Why do people get confused, using then-than?
simple. they sound alike. and people think sounds rather thEn letters)
and know I'm out... can't understand why it is "rather thAn"
xxohxx, not less special then 31.
no. I was gonna say "than"... fuck..
simple. they sound alike. and people think sounds rather then letters)
There are lots of words, which sound and mean the same)
As for the New Year's... Vegas. I don't want to go there, but it's my loved one's family tradition, so I'll have to sacrifice myself XD