Drink your tea. If there is one piece of advice I can give to you today is drink herbal tea.
Not just because it's good for your insides but because when you take the time to appreciate everything
A cup of hot comfort has to offer, you often find yourself slowing down. Whether you're cramming for a test,
Visiting with an old friend or just waking up, tea just makes sense, even if it's the only thing that does.
To feel it warming from within and understanding that what you are doing is in fact, it's wonderful indeed...
Not just because it's good for your insides but because when you take the time to appreciate everything
A cup of hot comfort has to offer, you often find yourself slowing down. Whether you're cramming for a test,
Visiting with an old friend or just waking up, tea just makes sense, even if it's the only thing that does.
To feel it warming from within and understanding that what you are doing is in fact, it's wonderful indeed...
I used to love with lemon and sugaк but I put enormous amount of spoons spoons, so it was kind of my bad habit, but now I'm enjoying pure taste of hot green tea. So relaxing
Somehow my mom invited her friends...They also love sweeeeeet tea, and they put spoon by spoon, then I couldn't stand it anymore, and I said:
"Enough! Mom, why do they use it without permission. They said they would put only one, but they eventually didn't keep their promise!!!" hahaha.
I was 5. And I was sooo greedy at that time)
ahah, that's so natural for a child)
Tell me something interesting 'bout you and about your behavior, when you were a child...how did you perceive this world?
when I was small we used to go to the sea to the other country and I learnt several words and all I did I was asking where my mum and my nanny, so I often sat on the fence, enjoying my self and I was talking, asking people where my mommy and my nanny, people were so touched that they gave me food, like fruits and potatoes. And the truth was that my mother and nanny were nearbe yn the house, so I returned home bringing these potatoes and fruits, little breadwinner
I didn't understand their behavior, it seemed to me strange to talk with unfamiliar people, so I left them every time, when they came to me...they have remained at a loss!
But even at that time I was quite literate and I acted my age...When I was 4 I knew my address & phone number and everything about my parents...
Neither my mom nor my dad...they didn't even know about that, I learnt them on my own! And when my nanny asked me about my parents, I told her) and not like every child usually answer,
"My dad is an astronaut" like parents usually teach their kids) I told her whatever I knew! It was fun)
I was told never speak with unfamiliar people and my grandma made me learn our address and phone number, so whatever would happen to me I could ask help)
Why are people so fucking stupid??)
I wonder if we are the same, whe we have children)
have you seen Baby Geniuses?
did he succeed?
For some reason, I remember her, she wrote her first verse when she was 10.
I recollect her every time when I talk about genius children with my friends...
In second time, operation was successful, patient is alive)
It was one of the first heart transplants which had ever been done!
genius are so brilliant
I think I haven't spoken with him or seen him for several years