
It's snowing.

What is the weather like in your country?

08.12.2011 в 13:40

Kinda windy and cold)but sunny)
08.12.2011 в 13:58

Другим ты можешь сказать, что это слухи. Но когда сердце спросит, как ты ему ответишь? ©
Hello there ) Cold and windy in California. We've been having strong winds since last week. Fallen trees, damaged power lines... cars turned over...
It's about +5 now; they say this is the worst fall/winter in the past 30 years or so.
08.12.2011 в 14:12

Illusive walker
Snow mixed with rain... not so good weather. Where is my favourite summer?..
08.12.2011 в 14:19

illusir, :lol:nice thought,I wanna summer too)
08.12.2011 в 14:19

-Sehnsucht-, aren't you from Calif State? What city do live in?
Yeah, I've already called my sis, she said there had been dreadful weather for two weeks or so...

I luuuv summer! ♥
08.12.2011 в 14:29

Cold and dry. No rain, no snow. Thats much better. I feel like somewhere abroad.
08.12.2011 в 14:45

Illusive walker
mr.Grin, xxohxx, summer lovers unite! =)
08.12.2011 в 14:51

illusir, :lol:avengers assemble!
08.12.2011 в 14:58

mr.Grin, heeeeeeeeeeeeeey! ;D
You came to the point of uttering an absurdity...
08.12.2011 в 15:01

xxohxx, :lol:sorry,couldn't keep up:lol:
08.12.2011 в 15:04

mr.Grin, be careful) I can lose my temper... :D
08.12.2011 в 15:17

mr.Grin, what's embarrassment in your face? I don't believe you anymore. :D
08.12.2011 в 15:43

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
In Russia still warm and rainy.
08.12.2011 в 15:46

Horacius, some people have all the luck!
08.12.2011 в 15:48

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
xxohxx, all of us want real winter - snow, frost etc. Espessially people from south regions.
08.12.2011 в 15:48

we'll be counting stars
hey :-D There's a lot of snow in my city and it keeps snowing everyday. I'm a bit tired of snow.
08.12.2011 в 15:50

Illusive walker
Horacius, we have glaze in my town =(
08.12.2011 в 15:50

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
~Starlight~, You live in Siberia, yeh?
08.12.2011 в 15:51

Illusive walker
Horacius, I don't want winter, winter go away :D
08.12.2011 в 15:53

illusir, :-Dme too,go away ya bastard!
08.12.2011 в 15:53

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
illusir, We Southerners better to cold than heat.
08.12.2011 в 15:55

Horacius, oh, I know... I've lived in California for six years, and I know what you mean.

~Starlight~, I love snow)) It's like fuzz pellets all around...enchanting beauty!
08.12.2011 в 15:56

Illusive walker
Horacius, we all are different =)
mr.Grin, :friend:
08.12.2011 в 16:03

Пётр Семёнович
In Saint Petersburg (Russia) there is no snow, only cold wind and lots of mud everywhere. And rain. Hate this weather :depress2: And for me it is strange to see no snow in December, I grew up in the North.
08.12.2011 в 16:09

we'll be counting stars
Horacius, nope, I live in the southern Ural region.
xxohxx, I loved it too, but when your winter lasts for almost 5 months( November, December, January, February and a half of March), you begin to hate it.
08.12.2011 в 16:10

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
~Starlight~, I live in Rostov region.
08.12.2011 в 17:02

Рёсхен, I know where Saint Petersburg is. But thanks for giving a more precise definition to me. :D

~Starlight~, I can't understand how Northern people endure it.

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