In five years a lot can change... Heck, in five days the world can fall apart and be brought back to life.
It's impossible to please everyone so you have to stop trying.
Just I gave too much credit to too many people where credit was perhaps not deserved. I under rated myself,
Over rated others and fell silent on a lot of important things. Am I going to be a doer or am I going to be a shaker
Or am I going to sit around and do nothing until the world implodes or explodes or becomes dark and scary again
Instead of bright and bouncy. My demons have been winning a lot lately and I almost gave up the fight... But alas
I sat and thought and thought (worried) and thought some more until I came to a simple and life altering conclusion...
Not everyone will like you and certainly not everyone will love you.
There may not be people who want to spend every waking second with you but honestly now, who really would...
We all need our space. We all need to feel connected to ourselves and to others. I'm beginning to see things differently.
Friendships. Relationships. The world.
I don't know if it's good or bad or am I going to put time and energy in to figuring it out. All I know is what I know
And that is working for me. I'm on a mission and am starting to realize that some people may not be the best choices.
We cannot change them. They can only change themselves... If being good and true and pure was so easy then we
Wouldn't be human. But I don't need to feel the remnants of my mistakes anymore so I'm letting go.
This chapter is closed. Hopefully it won't be re-opened...
If this is stepping into the light then this is stepping in to the light. I am sorry or all the pain I have ever caused anyone...
I shouldn't take people for granted but I shouldn't allow myself to be brought back in to a world I don't want to belong in anymore.