пятница, 16 сентября 2011
*****There will be no 'I wish I had,' anything I want I will have.
There will be no 'what ifs,'
because every risk there is I will take.
There will be no self-pity,
because there's no necessity for it.
There will be no complaining about how things never go my way,
because I'll make them.
There will be no confusion,
because I'll listen to what I really want...
There will be no caring for people who don't care for me,
because it's their loss.
There will be no trapped feeling,
because I'll burn down the walls and people that make it.
There will be no hurt,
because I'm better than that.
There will be no analyzing,
because it really doesn't matter what people think of me.
I wont conform to the norm,
because I was born to stand out.
I wont be good, because bad is better. I will live with passion,
because without it there's no life.
I will survive,
because I know I have the courage.
I will act as if it's impossible to fail.
I will be wild,
because taming me is impossible.
I will be enviable,
because I was meant to be.
I will...
because I will