Sometimes I go running into the future or get lost in the past. But at this moment, on this day,
I'm quite content quietly strolling into what will be.

I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future.

The power of spiritual strength is way beyond anything this world has to offer.

Knowing what it takes to bring you through life smiling, humbled,
Connected in so many meaningful ways is worth every effort. To be able to laugh
From the deepest of places, and cry with a stranger's pain...that's life. That's living!

No one escapes heartache or struggle, trauma or tragedy. It unites us on levels that
Worldly things should never divide. But the sprouts of love in the hardest of hearts,
The rumbling that takes place in a new believer, the change that heals souls
And conquers any evil, powerful! There is so much to know in this wonderful world.
Nature, structure, beings. But the ultimate beauty always lies within.
Uncovered and dusted off, released from sin and led to shine...

There is nothing like experiencing your own human soul. Connected to a power far greater
Then ours. Connected to a power that works to make us one. Opening the eyes of our hearts
For the first time, to find others' already open, working to open those still shut...

I am not alone. I am on my way. I will get there someday. Happy New Year, guuuuuuys!!!!