Drink your tea. If there is one piece of advice I can give to you today is drink herbal tea.
Not just because it's good for your insides but because when you take the time to appreciate everything
A cup of hot comfort has to offer, you often find yourself slowing down. Whether you're cramming for a test,
Visiting with an old friend or just waking up, tea just makes sense, even if it's the only thing that does.
To feel it warming from within and understanding that what you are doing is in fact, it's wonderful indeed...
Not just because it's good for your insides but because when you take the time to appreciate everything
A cup of hot comfort has to offer, you often find yourself slowing down. Whether you're cramming for a test,
Visiting with an old friend or just waking up, tea just makes sense, even if it's the only thing that does.
To feel it warming from within and understanding that what you are doing is in fact, it's wonderful indeed...