I am so proud of myself right, cos I did my first day at college and yea I didn't sleep at all the night before I was so scared on the day and everything but I got through..
I'm nervous for the first week but I'm gonna face it head first..

The only thing is at the moment is I'm a bit lonely, I mean I don't really know anyone apart from S and some of my other friends there,
but seeing as that is about 10 people out of 1,000.. All jokes aside, this makes me so scared and all though I've never had trouble making friends before this feels different..

I guess only time will tell, but I don't want to be a loner.. I hate being on my own, it feels horrible, I don't know how some people do it..
I mean sure I like my own company some times but when I'm at college or out shopping, I like being with people you know..

Strength in numbers I guess..I feel more at ease when I'm with people..
