How many brothers do you have?
Well mine is totally abnormal guess you could call him a nerd. He is extremely smart and makes me feel overly stupid even though he's 11 years older.
Like yesterday right we were eating dinner and he started to talk about the weather and why it's so cold and I just couldn't understand
WTF he was talkin' about so I was like "what?" then he goes "oh, you wouldn't get it"...
Then my mum goes "don't worry deary, he doesn't know about what fashions are 'in' at the moment, you do"...
It must sound like I'm jealous of him, yea I guess I am, but not a lot, I wouldn't want his brains or his attitude...
Because that's the one thing that makes him a loner... Maybe being a loner makes you stronger who knows...
Well mine is totally abnormal guess you could call him a nerd. He is extremely smart and makes me feel overly stupid even though he's 11 years older.
Like yesterday right we were eating dinner and he started to talk about the weather and why it's so cold and I just couldn't understand
WTF he was talkin' about so I was like "what?" then he goes "oh, you wouldn't get it"...
Then my mum goes "don't worry deary, he doesn't know about what fashions are 'in' at the moment, you do"...
It must sound like I'm jealous of him, yea I guess I am, but not a lot, I wouldn't want his brains or his attitude...
Because that's the one thing that makes him a loner... Maybe being a loner makes you stronger who knows...