



Drink your tea. If there is one piece of advice I can give to you today is drink herbal tea.

Not just because it's good for your insides but because when you take the time to appreciate everything
A cup of hot comfort has to offer, you often find yourself slowing down. Whether you're cramming for a test,
Visiting with an old friend or just waking up, tea just makes sense, even if it's the only thing that does.
To feel it warming from within and understanding that what you are doing is in fact, it's wonderful indeed...


hundred and more boring things about me

I chose the most ridiculous, if there is something that you would like to know - ask me and I will answer immediately.


It's true. I procrastinate from about everything in life but somehow manage to pull it off. More than pull it off.
Sometimes things turn out so well I can't help but know it's not just because of me. There are forces and elements
Working together, getting me somewhere I'm meant to go. I have no idea where but the journey is surprising...

Sometimes you wake up and the day is brilliant. It's a pleasure just to live and let things happen. Almost carefree.
Other times you wake up only to wish you could stay in bed. You find yourself longing to be anywhere else then
Where you are and those places aren't always physical. So we go thu the process, brilliant to back to brilliant...


We find our balance. We find ourselves. We find each other. The hope is that everything shiny
Has to be cared for once in a while. So take care of yourself! Remember, good things happen to those who try...


I cherish those times.

When afterwards you silently thank the stars for the people in your life and the simple pleasure of being in their company.
I'm looking forward to the holidays. Just being able to take a step back and enjoy being in the presence of people who love me.
There is nothing like the embrace of my father or the quiet moments telling my mom everything going on inside my head.
Although I know she hasn't a clue, She want to help which is what I cherish most. I cherish her. There's been a lot of changes
Going on inside me lately. A lot of it was scary but something I knew I'd get out of. Had to get out of. It just takes time.
Everything takes time. What's important is realizing it eventually does run out. That moments can be few and far in between,
Unless we make them happen ourselves. I've given up on the idea I had for myself. I let her go. I'm coming to understand
That certain things just aren't meant to be. Although they hurt, time lets u see things more clearly. I've a pretty good head
On my shoulders. I think my heart is in the right place. I think I'm going to be ok. I carry your heart, in my heart... ♥


I like my mind. I like the way I think. I like knowing what I know and feeling what I feel and allowing room for people
To come into my life and stay a while... I like being part of six and part of two and singled out and lost in the crowd...


It occurred to me forcefully today the world became so overwhelming that I lost all sense of who I was or what I'm doing.
Terrified. It's easy to fall into that. But the brilliant thing is that I know better. I know when things aren't right
and something has to change. I know. So I try to fix... Just like everyone's doing for me now and I'd always do in return...

Is that not the point?


My back was bothering me earlier and the meds have yet to kick in and send me to the land of dreams.
The last couple of days haven't been so great. It took a lot of energy just to get out of bed
And put on my socks and then mosey up. There were moments I felt like crying but then wondered
What use self pity would serve. Life just seems to be stoic. I'm not going anywhere and that in itself is infuriating.
Time is passing. By the end of the year I will have finished yet another semester.
But when you're a graduating student in her final year, unable to enjoy much of anything, time can often be a curse.
I need to quit complaining. I just want this chapter of my life to be over.
I want to put it behind me and only look back when I need a reminder of what I went through, survived, And learned from.
It's like being able to see what needs to be done and then not getting anywhere near it.
Seeing what could be but then keeping yourself away, away from anything remotely resembling something worth holding on to.
No matter how much time and distance I put between two evils the fact remains I fail.
I fall back and find myself in a hole created only by me and it's a scary space. A scary thought.
Finding yourself in a space so frightening, realizing it's your own mind. But then you sit down to write.
Sort out your thoughts and see where you're at, knowing you're there but physically seeing it on a dim computer screen allows
Makes u feel less trapped. You make the choice to see the glimmer of hope floating in the distance.
Knowing you will grab it, fall asleep, and pray for a better tomorrow!


K. got officially engaged on Friday night. I saw her Saturday and she was on cloud nine. I am so excited for her!
It's going to be a huge event for our family since she's the first to wed. She asked me to be a bridesmaid... yeeey!


"L'oiseau bleu" / "The Blue Bird"

It's an opera in four acts (eight tableaux) by the French composer and conductor Albert Wolff.
The libretto by Maurice Maeterlinck is based on his 1908 play of the same name. It's one of my favorite Xmas stories!


What a comfort it was to realize that I am not alone. The whole journey has been one long introduction!



I still say it would be more fun if we could pee different colours for the moods we're in. Sort of like mood pee. ;D


It's snowing.

What is the weather like in your country?


Two tiny particles of matter find their way to one another … and I begin. I cross the chasm from nothingness to being.
This was my only chance at existence. I have won the greatest lottery of all. Called by Life to the banquet of all that is.
However, to more than simple being. Called to know. And to know that I know. Called to love. And to know that I love...


I came to love this intense, extroverted, shy, gregarious human being who never ceases to be amazed that there is life,
And who is so profoundly grateful that he was invited to the feast.


That moment when everything you've been working for falls apart and you take two steps back to where it all began.


my workplace